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I welcome all visitors to the web site of the District of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire, Ancient and Accepted Rite for England and Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas.

Membership of this Order is one of the most inspirational and satisfying experiences that a Freemason can follow. The spiritual meaning of the ritual and the mode of life it teaches us to follow, places a responsibility on its members but gives great satisfaction to those who are obedient to its precepts.

I have had the privilege of being the leader of the District since September 2019. During that time I have come to realise just how much this Order means to the members and of their desire to share the Christian teaching it espouses with other Freemasons. Any qualified person joining one of our Chapters is assured of a very warm welcome from the existing members as well as a rewarding and compelling set of new values to aspire to.

John Booth



V. Ill. Bro.  John Booth 33°

Sovereign Grand Inspector General
Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire


This is a Masonic Website, operating under the authority The Supreme Council 33˚ For England and Wales and its Districts and Chapters Overseas

© 2020 Rose Croix District of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire.

All rights reserved